About Us

About Us

Welcome and, thank you for visiting our site.

What we doAt Vīkāśa, we specialise in Coaching and transformational People Consulting services.

Our focus is on strategic People interventions to help organisations transform and grow their companies and their people resulting in huge profitability and great employee experience. While the Coaching arm of our business focuses on both personal and business transformation, maximising potential, leadership skills, performance and goals.

OUR MISSION & VISIONWe want to Transform and Grow our Clients to exceed their goals.

We want to do this by providing Thought Leadership, Coaching and People services resulting in exponential growth in leadership and productivity by putting people at the centre of any transformational journey.

Core Values

At Vīkāśa we’re always E.V.O.L.V.E ing!
We like to have FUN while working and ensure our clients have fun during their transformational process. It’s all part of the experience!


We believe in putting people at the centre and having a coaching approach to all people and projects. Understanding current state, feelings, needs and desired outcomes is essential to success.


We believe that thought leadership comes from deep expertise but only if that experience is put in context with the future. We use our experience and data and we innovate, have a forward-thinking growth mindset and problem-solving mentality.


We believe there is nothing that cannot be achieved. The right mindset and high spirits will always lead to success.


We believe in being leaders and growing leaders, not bosses. We do this by leading from behind and putting others first with emphasis on teamwork.


We put in immense effort, energy and enthusiasm in all we do.


We have moral principles that govern our behaviour such as transparency, confidentiality in safe guarding client information, discretion, honesty and trust.


The term Vīkāśa is Sanskrit for Evolve, Becoming Visible, Expanding and Shining Forth. It hits the very essence of what we achieve for our clients around the world.

The founder, Yasmin Adeniji-Adele, is a certified coach with over 20 years of experience in Human Resources, Executive,  Leadership,  Career, and Life Coaching. She is a seasoned global People Leader and has worked with large multinationals, SMEs, high-growth companies, start-ups, mergers, and acquisitions. Having led change management projects across the globe, developed and deployed People and Culture and Talent Management strategies, she is a design thinker and has set up systems and processes helping numerous companies achieve their strategic goals. She has successfully created coaching cultures across various organisations with a people-first mindset resulting in accelerated performance,  employee engagement,  leadership trust, and employee satisfaction.

Vīkāśa was created to bring together talented, experienced, passionate thought leaders and professionals of Org design, People Strategy Development, and Coaching from all across the world with a common goal. To help companies and their people exceed their expectations. We know from our experience that culture eats strategy for breakfast so, we ensure our strategies have people and culture at its core.
